"Il vino buono รจ nella botte piccola".
"Good things come in small packages."
- what is your name?
- Lily Wan-Jui Tsai. My friends call me Lil or Lils. My middle name
is pronounced "one-ray" --- ergo my e-mail name and other
internet alias.
- what is your birthday, birthplace, and birth time?
- November 5, 1977. The Taipei Medical University Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan. Time? I don't remember.
- do you know or care about your astrological sign?
- I'm a scorpio. My cousin thinks I'm a cool person now simply
because he found out that I'm a scorpio. I personally don't care
for it. In the Chinese Zodiac signs, I'm a serpent.
- what do you do for a living?
- I'm in test development at Motive in Austin.
- do you have any siblings?
- Alice, my older sister, lives and works in San Francisco. Gloria, my younger
sister, lives in San Marcos.
- do you care to list your sexual orientation?
- I'm heterosexual.
- you are most likely overheard saying ...
- "ciao." "Watch out!" "surely."
- what famous person do you most closely identify with?
- That's a tough one. Let me get back to you on that. Ok?
- who would you like to play you in the movie made about your life?
- Me.
- religious affiliation (if any) (or attitude toward religion)
- I'm a Christian. My parents are buddhists, but they gave me the freedom to choose what to
believe in.
- how do other people describe you?
- Most people say adjectives such as thoughtful, sweet, curious,
genuine, easygoing, well-rounded, confident to describe me.
- how would you describe the "true you"?
- I'm a little bit of everything good. Depending on my mood or who I'm around, I
could be almost anything. That's scary.
- where are you "from"?
- I'm from Taiwan, Houston, Austin.
- where are you "headed"?
- I'm headed towards freedom. I'm headed towards an open road. I'm headed towards
- what is your lifelong dream?
- I would like to make a difference in the world, be tall enough to dunk a basketball, and
No, really... I would like to go live and work in a foreign country for a
few years and become fluent in
a foreign language.
- what are your favorite indoor activities?
- Computer-related stuff, home improvement and design,
making jewelry, reading,
- what are your favorite outdoor activities?
- I don't go out much, but:
running, swimming, hiking, scuba diving,
mountain biking.
- if you were on jeopardy, what would your seven dream categories be?
- Classical Music, Cars, Computers, Internet, Music Theory.
- how often do you:
- smoke (what brand)?
- NO WAY! Yuck! Yuck! How can I possibly smoke when I absolutely detest cigarette
- drink (favorite alcohol)?
- There's not a_favorite_, but I usually drink rum and coke b/c the
keeps me awake.
- use recreational drugs (which drugs)?
- puullease! I don't even use tylenol.
- what is your favorite:
- book
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
by Milan Kundera
- author
- Jane Austen.
- record/cd
- don't have ONE.
- musician
- Bjork, Madonna,and Depeche Mode.
- radio station
- Who needs the radio when you can have streaming MP3s?
- web
- my very first: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/2959
- television show
- Seinfeld.
- movie
- Toy Story
- actor/actress
- Matt Damon and Sharon Stone.
- periodical
- anything with artistically creative advertisement and informative articles of course.
- food
- Chocolate, Chinese, and Italian.
Yes, chocolate has its own genre.
- what is your most frequent obsession?
- dancing and making jewelry.
- what is the best thing that has ever happened in your life?
- i'm still waiting. . . :)
- what is the worst thing that has ever happened in your life?
- I try to look at everything in a positive prospective. So if there was something terribly
aweful, it has been fogotten. Then again, if there is a WORST thing, then I, most likely,
would remember. So I guess I'm pretty lucky that nothing aweful has happened.
- why are you doing this yourself (i.e. your involvement in this project)?
- So you can see me as a person and not just another webpage owner.
- is there anything i forgot to ask?
- Anything you like to add? - Yes. I like change, nothing drastic though. I think a little
variation in our daily routine is beneficial. The earth has evolved, our lives evolve as well.
We shouldn't try to prevents its change. Instead, we should take action and be a part of
the change.
- comments on this faq questionaire:
- This faq is not a faq at all. These questions are NOT frequently asked, so I really don't
know why this page is called a faq. If you have a better name for it, feel free to send
suggestions to me. Thank you.