Clear skies, but chilly and windy. Field had some puddles & slick mud spots from the recent rain. 11 players.
I'm really enjoying the pace we're moving at. Each night has had one or two skill foci, and Billy is keeping the pace of the backs & forwards at a high level, tossing the ball back into play before people have a chance to really recover to their positions.
- 2 laps warmup
- Focus on short-range hitting with the hurl on the run. Choke up halfway, hit high and in front of you. Minimal backswing to avoid the hook.
- Two lines facing each other, one swingman in the middle
- Run out, tap the ball 20 yds to the swingman, who feeds it back to you, then tap the ball to the first man in the next line.
- Add in a defender who shadows you, but without trying to hook
- Then add in hooking
- Two lines facing each other, one swingman in the middle
- Backs & forwards, focusing again on the mid-range passing as much as possible.
- Lift drill x 5
- Pair off, facing each other, 10 yds apart, one ball 2 feet in front of a man
- Man opposite the ball sprints out, jab lift, pivot around the other man and returns to their starting position, dropping the ball 2 feet in front. Now other man repeats sequence.
- Pair off, facing each other, 10 yds apart, one ball 2 feet in front of a man
- 2 laps cool-down
Injury log:
Two dinged thumbs, and an egg on each shin, though I can't remember them getting hit