Day Seven
There is only one CVS in the city of San Francisco.
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There is only one CVS in the city of San Francisco.
Had a reasonably nice sleep interrupted by the alarm, prodding me to go move the car before it got ticketed. After waking Jenn, we got ready and headed to what turned out to be a delicious bagel place on Mission. From there, we headed north towards the Golden Gate Bridge, which still retains some majesty, despite my having seen it probably close to a thousand times in various media. Surprisingly, felt a little shorter than I would have expected. We stopped at the vista point on the north side to take some shots of the city, but there was still too much morning haze clinging to it to make the shots worthwhile.
Got up into Marin County, and followed the twisty road up to Muir Woods. The fog/haze had burned off by this point, but the towering trees kept the air pleasantly cool, although a bit too cold for Jenn.
We followed the one mile trail, that wound through some gorgeous scenery. Kept a sharp lookout for Biker Scouts, but I think we passed undetected. It's certainly one thing to see a cross section of a redwood, and be told it's a wide, tall tree; and quite another to stand at the base and see them soaring towards the sun. It's also weird to see a grove of saplings dancing in the sun, and know that maybe only two of them will outstrip the others at some point, cutting them off from the nurturing rays, eventually dooming them to die and fade back into the soil, eventually feeding the roots of the victors.
On the way back, we stopped for a third round of In-n-Out, and consigned the El Feracito trip for tomorrow, and 86'd the dim sum until the next time.
Prepping now for a trip for Chinese, to Sam Lok. I don't know that I've ever had proper Sizchuan. If Bourdain's experience on No Reservations is any indication, maybe I should bring a mopping rag. Survivor's report to follow.
Pondering: Ship some clothes and knick-knacks home?
Has the Dalai Lama ever seen Caddyshack?
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June 2008 is the next archive.
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